Check regularly for the lastest events, opportunities and announcements.
New Sermon Series
The Bible is the book that contains the whole story! The Bible starts with God and ends with God and we find ourselves somewhere in the middle. If we can understand how this story starts and who and what this story is ultimately about, than it can bring incredible meaning to our lives because we discover that we were created by someone bigger than us to be a part of a story larger than our own.
Membership 101
You are invited to take the next step in becoming Jesus' disciple by enrolling in the upcoming Membership 101 Campus Course that will be held on February 2nd and 9th at 9:30am. Pastor Rob will guide you to kow Jesus in a deep and meaningful way through being a part of His church and living in authentic community with His people. If you are new to FWBC and/or desire to do more than just attend a weekend service, this course is for you! You can register by following the link below.
J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Group
Join other senior adults on the first Friday night of every month at 6:30pm in the gym for a time of fellowship, great food and tons of fun. For more information, follow the email link provided below.
Register your Kids Today!
AWANA engages kids with the Gospel and builds a lifelong faith by learning and memorizing Scripture doing so with a ton of fun. Questions? Reach out to our director by the link below to answer any question, recieve a program calander and a parents guide. To register your child, follow the link below. The AWANA program meets each Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 8pm.
Free Boys and Girls Jiu-Jitsu
Classes are every Monday evening. Cubs Class (6-8 years old) is from 5pm to 5:45pm. Juniors (9-14 years old) is from 6pm - 6:45pm. This course is sponsored by Exploring with Grace: Grace Lewis Jiu-Jitsu Fund Gracie Cincinnati. For more information call (513) 860-2310 or email
Life Group are Underway
There are several groups to choose from that meet at various times and locations. For more information email our Life Group Coordinator, Beth LaChance by following the link below.
We Need Your Help
Most of our ministries have openings that need your support! Is there somewhere you can plug in and help?
Nursery Cleaning Crew Kids Min. Maintenance Hospitality Students
Coffee Team Teachers Host
Life Group Facilitators Saftey Team
Tech Support Worship
Our minstries don't work unless we work together. Please contact Pastor Rob to volunteer today.
Wednesday D-Groups
There is a new weekly D-Group for men and woman that will walk through the whole Bible, teaching and practicing the HEAR journaling method. This method promotes reading the Bible with a life-transforming purpose. No longer will your focus be on checking off the boxes on your daily reading schedule; your purpose will instead be to read in order to understand and respond to God's Word. This group will meet for 12 months, each Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Consider Leaving a Review
We believe that our church is a special community of faith. Sometimes, we think it is the best kept secret in our city. We need your help in getting the word out about how wonderful our church is and how great our God is! Please follow the link below to leave a review; we love 5 star reviews!